Host Families

The Key to Our Youth Exchange Program

Host Families

The Key to Our Youth Exchange Program

Host Families

Key to Rotary’s Exchange Program

While the hosting of an Inbound by the parents of an Outbound student is not an obligation, our Districts have discovered that many parents of Outbounds find enjoyment in taking part in the program when they open their hearts and home to an Inbound student for three months. An ideal exchange is one that places an Inbound in two to three different homes during a school year. It is not essential that hosts be Rotarians. In fact, Clubs are encouraged to seek non-Rotarian families to serve as hosts, and these families may or may not have children. Successful exchanges also take place in single parent households. Regardless of the host family format, motivation is a critical factor. The family must be realistic about their reason for wanting a foreign student in their home – NOT because they think it is something they should (or feel that they have to) do or certainly not out of a desire for prestige or social acceptance. All members of the family must want the student and the opportunity to experience a different culture within the home. EVERYONE who participates in the Rotary Youth Exchange Program, from the student who wants to study overseas, his/her parents, and Rotarians in sponsoring Clubs, needs to be aware that for this program to continue providing young students an opportunity to study overseas, our Districts have to rely upon parental, community and Club support to obtain host families for our Inbound students.

What to Expect

Host families must fill out an online application to be approved for hosting a student.  The application process includes several components:

  • The application form
  • 2 personal references
    • All host family references are checked by the Rotary club volunteer
  • Background checks
    • All members of the host family older than 18 have background checks conducted by the Rotary district.
    • Background check findings are strictly confidential and are maintained in a secure location.
  • Home visits
    • The local Rotary club will conduct 2 home visits:
      • 1 visit prior to being approved as a host family
      • 1 visit within 60 days of the student being placed in your home

Additional obligations for the host family include:

  • Attend an orientation session
  • Treat the student like a member of your own family
    • Chores household duties are entirely appropriate
    • School coursework is expected to be completed
  • Provide 3 square meals
  • Provide reasonable transportation for after school activities as you might for your own child
  • You are NOT expected to be a tour guide for Florida or the US, although you are welcome and encouraged to take the student on family outings or even vacations as your budget allows

What the Rotary Club Will Provide

Your local Rotary Club will provide you and your student with a number of services, including:

  • A monthly stipend of $150 for the student and a monthly cell phone plan
  • A club counselor who will meet at least monthly with the student
  • Occasional social opportunities with Rotarians:
    • Sports Events
    • Cultural Events
    • Club Meetings
    • Etc


Your Rotary District (6980) will also provide some services, including:

  • An orientation meeting and host family training
  • A country contact to the student’s home country (in case of emergency or for counseling)
  • An inbound coordinator to oversee the club counselor and organize activities
  • Several one-day or weekend-long activities throughout the year
  • Several optional tour packages (student’s expense) to see the US
    • 1 Week Eastern US (New York, Washington, Boston)
    • 2 Week Western US (California, Grand Canyon)

Become a Host Family!

Start the process of becoming a Rotary Youth Exchange Host Family. Start the application here.